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How to make a light and generous cheese cake

How to make a light and generous cheese cake

Cheese cake

and you're watching nowpreppy kitchen where I teach you how to make delicious homemade dishes to share with your family and friends. Today we're making this amazing cloud like confection that is so easy and just beyond delicious. Let's get started. First off we're making a super easy graham cracker crust. And if you don't have graham crackers around you can basically use any cookie you like Oreos. Sure. Digestive biscuits. Yes everything works. All cookies really. OK.So it was a chop.

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I'm going to use about 16 to 18 of these crackers. It's kind of up to you. How sick do you want the crust. What type of toasted the content always toaster because it is so important. Use toasted nuts when you bake it makes a huge difference. Very fragrant. One quarter cup of granulated sugar you can lower this if you want. You don't have to use any sugar if you're using some sweet cookies. But Graham Crackers are just kind of like a little sweet right. So we're going to pulse this up. And you want to have you know find crumbs basically once you have ice crumbly mixture. We're going to drizzle in some melted butter go for about five tablespoons. You can kind of eyeball it though the butter is a binding agent so if you don't need more you don't have to add it.
But if your mixtures dry out a little bit more. All right. So take a little bit of the mixture with your spoon and if you can push it together it forms a little ball. You know that's about that's about right. I don't need to add more butter to this but you could if you love butter. It smells very nice. And by the by you don't have to use a food processor or you could just crunch these up in a bag chop that because really finally and then mix with melted butter by hand and you go. Get those. Even it out. And we're going to use a cup. You can use a tall glass. Just move it out towards the edges. And the key is to get it up on get it up high. Don't worry about the bottom because the bottom is easy to fix. Front of press the sides and get a nice vertical glass and just press press press press press. If it spills over a bit. Just use your thumb as a guide to hold it down. My cross is almost ready but the last part is you're going to go one more time around the edge. And this time you're gonna press the top down with your thumb a little bit more to help compact it. Otherwise it'll be really crummy on top which is fine but you'll get crumbs on the top of your cake. Don't call me crazy. But from past experience this helps. This isn't to go into the oven at 350 for just under 10 minutes. You'll smell it. You'll see a little bit of a golden edge. It's ready to come out. That's all that has to happen. So don't overcook it. And if you're super paranoid and forgetful just toss it into the fridge and skip the bake better than a burnt crust. For the filling. You will need. Allan this is croak them and you can write a comment if you know who that is and love her too. We're going to need four and a half packages or 36 ounces of cream cheese. So that's the four ounces package after package and this is totally and completely a room temperature cream cheese. If you're using cold cream cheese it is much more likely to be kind of lumpy and just not mix in totally for your cheesecake and a cheesecake without cracks. It's the cheesecake with a completely homogenous filling. So be careful. All right let's give us a little whip. Cnn set is right. Going to add in one and three quarter cups of sugar. Now. You can reduce the sugar a bit if you want. You can totally take out half a cup but. The cheesecake is very tiny and the sugar is a nice balance. And this is a big cheese cake. So not at all done by most scraped the bowl down because there's a lot of unmixed nonsense on the side. And then just let this whip up until it is completely mixed in. OK. Mix it up. Now is as good a time as any to add in half a teaspoon of salt. A little bit more balance. All right let's take a look at this. What is this creamy delicious nonsense over here. Well this is cream cheese and sugar mixed in nicely. We're ready for our next step. I'm just in a just address the bottom of the bowl and make sure there's no little lumps hiding in here. The Spatula isn't all that crazy as I was warning you it's not going to get any better. The big batch if cream cheese and sugar is your jam. Check out my How to make cream cheese frosting video. It goes so well on carrot cakes hummingbird cakes chocolate cakes every kind of everything right into your mouth. OK. All mixed up nice and smooth. And now it's time for three quarters of a cup of sour cream. This stuff is so good and it's one of my favorite things to eat. I get a lot of questions. I mean I don't eat it by the Spoonful but it's really good in things. And as a as a condiment as well there's a lot of questions I get about substitutions and if you're using this for most cakes you use a full fat yogurt. A little bit more tangy but a very similar moisture content. Now it's time to mix this in along with two teaspoons or even a little bit more of a nice vanilla extract. OK. This looks delicious right now. I'm going to start sprinkling in some flour just a little bit to bind it together. How much you ask. Three tablespoons. It's not nice to get clumps of flour. So you want to add it and gradually Nice and slow. Is this totally mixed. No. We have to scrape the bowl down one more time. But this is really nice. It's not lumpy and the flowers getting mixed in the well wasn't helped things along is our last or our last component which is the eggs we can go back to mixing and add in the eggs and yolks one at a time Instantly becomes so much Silk Air. It's kind of amazing. More glossy loosens the texture up. It's very nice. Last year. That's a lot of cheese cake batter. We're making a big cheese cake. This is the consistency you want. Smooth. Wonderful loose glossy batter last mix. Go get your craft and must fill it up. I'm ready to pour my smooth as silk batter. Into my prepared crust. Look at this. What. Is clouds from heaven. Now it's a giant cheesecake so you can fill it up pretty high. It's not going to rise if you have any extra batter and I have like a little bit of extra batter I can use that to make delicious little cheese cake cupcakes. This will all self level in the oven so don't go crazy. I was just being me. I'm going to bake this on. A baking sheet so I don't have to worry about like grabbing the cake. Kind of manhandling it. It does not going to trip or anything but it's just so much easier to take it in and out and not kind of mar the crust of the surface. Trust me I've been there. All right. This is going into the oven at 350 for just 10 minutes and you're going to turn it down to three hundred and bake for an additional 40 minutes. It'll be wobbly in the middle a little bit puffed into the oven 350. You can top your cake with some berries. You could top it with dollops of whipped cream and more berries or if you want to go like a really quick and easy route that looks crazy beautiful and tastes pretty good too. The can't cherry fillings at your supermarket. Some brands are actually pretty good. So just pour a little bit on top and enjoy if you like this recipe. Check out my easy cake playlist. Tons of easy delicious cakes to delight the palate. Speaking of which it's time for a bite. Look at that texture. It's like clouds. That is so good. It's like light fluffy clouds that just melt in your mouth and topped with whipped cream there's nothing that could be finer. If you like my videos hit the Like button and subscribe and I'll see you on the next video.
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